The time has come for me to resign as President of the Canadian Masters; I have taken on some new responsibilities in my life, and I am no longer able to commit the time and energy to fulfil the duties as President.
The role of President is for a term of three years, with the option to extend for an additional two years. Up to this point in time, I have not been able to find a candidate to take over the role of President, however, Lloyd Sevack (Past President & FIS Masters’ Rep), Jaime Hugesson (Eastern Director) and Sharon Chadwick (World Cup Points & Communications), all of whom have many years of National Committee experience, have offered to form an interim Executive Committee so that I can step down with immediate effect. The interim Executive Committee will see the 2025 season out while the National Committee finds someone to fill the President role.
This has been a wonderful set of years culminating in the World Criterium in Kimberley BC, this past March. I truly could not have handled the responsibilities without the very strong Canadian Masters’ National Committee that supported me throughout; to each and every one of you, thank you for your support.
The 2024/25 season is shaping up very well with the CAN FIS Masters Cup & Eastern Championships being held from 2-3 February 2025, at Mont Garceau QC, and the Canadian Masters Alpine Championships being held from 7-9 March 2025, at Nakiska AB.
Dave Nighswander | President