Masters’ National Committee

The Masters’ National Committee is a group of volunteers working year round, behind the scenes, to make the Masters’ program work efficiently. Countless hours are spent organizing races, championships, schedules, uniforms, liaising with Provincial Ski Organizations and Alpine Canada, fundraising, sponsorships and calculating the World Cup points. All are passionate racers and dedicated to the advancement of the Masters’ program.

2024/2025 Executive Committee: Lloyd Sevack, Jaime Hugessen & Sharon Chadwick

Dave Nighswander – Past President (2021 – 2024)
Dave served as President in 2012, Treasurer from 2017 to 2024, and again President, from 1 July 2021 to 21 October 2024. Dave has also been on the AOA Board for 2 years and SOD Committee since 2020. Dave holds the ACA Performance Level Coach certification and nominated to CMAT once.

Lloyd Sevack – Executive Committee & Masters’ FIS Representative
Lloyd was President from 2017 to 2020 but has served on the Masters’ National Committee since 2005 and took on the role of Masters’ FIS Representative, from mid-2021. Lloyd holds the CFCF Level 1 and CSIA Level 2 certifications; his passion for racing is clearly demonstrated by his 12-time nomination on the Masters’ National Team.

Pierre Bégin – Translator
Pierre served as the Québec Rep from 2010 to 2017 and nominated to Eastern Canada Director for the 2018 and 2019 seasons. Gates have been a passion for over 30 years that translated into 9 nominations to CMAT, since 2009.

Robert Leeds – Alberta Representative
Robert joined the Committee in November 2024. Robert raced till his early teens for Lake Louise and is now in his fourth year as a member with Alberta Masters Ski Club. Robert holds CSIA Level 2 certification and Level 2 Official certification.  Robert has been nominated to CMAT once.

Jason Barton – Western Director
From January 2018, Jason was the Alberta Representative and took over the Western Director role in November 2024. Jason grew up ski racing in Alberta and returned to ski racing at the Masters level in 2008.  Presently skis with both the Alberta Masters and the Snow Valley Masters groups.  9 time Canadian Masters’ Alpine Team nominee. CSIA/CSCF level 1.

Peter Cody-Cox – Atlantic Representative
Peter has served as Atlantic Rep since 2011. Peter holds the CSIA Level 1 certification and has been nominated to CMAT once.

Jules Lajoie – British Columbia Representative
Jules has served as British Columbia Representative on the Masters’ National Committee since about 2004. He has participated in ski racing since the inception of Masters’ racing in Whistler, by Dave Murray, and has been on the Masters’ National Team 7 times.

Sharon Chadwick – Executive Committee, World Cup Points & Communications
Sharon has served on the Masters’ National Committee since 2013; her expertize with Excel has enabled her to calculate the World Cup standings with an average of 40 races across the country and an average of 650 athletes, each season. Sharon holds a CSIA Level 2 certification and has been nominated to the Masters’ National Team 3 times. Sharon grew up in South Africa but learned to ski in Europe at the age of 29; she immigrated to Canada in 1989 and took up Masters’ racing in 2007.

David Star – Ontario Representative
David grew up skiing and always had a competitive spirit but his parents were not skiers, nor did they know how to enrol him in any race programs. However, his kids went through the program and when they were done, he was asked by a fellow club member if he wanted to race; his answer was absolutely! So in 2018, he raced in the Masters Interclub series and never looked back! In a very short time, he was racing in the Masters’ FIS events and nominated three times to CMAT. David joined the Committee for the 2023 season.

David Star – Ontario Representative

John Gunn – Québec Representative
John started racing as a teenager in Calgary in 1980. Through various stints with the southern Alberta zone, university racing, coaching and Masters’ racing, John has not missed a season since but he still aspires to eventually become a real ski bum! John has been skiing in Québec since 1995 and joined the Committee in mid-2023.  John has been nominated to CMAT once.

John Gunn – Québec Representative

Claudio Berto – Technical Advisor
Claudio has been coaching since 1979 and worked with many levels and ages of athletes, from 3 years old to Masters of ALL ages. Claudio continuously seeks ways to develop, grow and passionately share his knowledge with every athlete he coaches. Presently a CSC Certified Performance coach, Entry Level Evaluator, Development Level Evaluator, Entry Level Course Facilitator and involved with Multi Sport as a mentor for the Advanced Coaching Diploma. Claudio also supports the CSIA program with a Level 3, is a Level 3 Official and Canadian Alpine Masters’ Technical Advisor since 2016.

Victoria Fenninger – Promotions & Fundraising Director
Victoria has served on the Committee since 2014 and has designed many of the Masters’ ski apparel. Her enthusiasm for both participating in and coaching ski racing is demonstrated by holding the ACA Performance Level Coach, CSIA Level 1 and CASI Level 1 certifications, as well as being nominated to CMAT 5 times.

Dave Walker – Sponsorship Director
Dave has served on the Committee since 2017 and nominated to CMAT 5 times.

Jaime Hugessen – Executive Committee, Eastern Canada Director & Treasurer
Jaime grew up racing Laurentian Zone in his youth. After 30 years of retirement, Jaime resurrected his ski racing career approximately 15 years ago when he joined Devil’s Glen Ski Club. Jaime holds a CSIA Level 2 certification and Level 1 Race Official, as well as being nominated three times to CMAT. Jaime came on board in Jan-20.